Baroque Music Project with Garage Band

I met with Lauren and Spencer at Mitchell to plan a Fine Arts project using one of the laptop labs.

Our goal is to have students learn about a Baroque musician, explore some music from the period and then compose some simple "pseudo-baroque" tunes using Garage Band. We decided on a stations approach.

1) The Listening Station:
Students can analyze some Baroque tunes by visiting the "podcast page" I've set up.
(Here's another good site.)

2) The Composer Research Station:
We will ask the teacher-librarian at Mitchell to help us pull some material for this station.

3) The Garage Band Station:
The students begin by playing with some demo clips I put together for the activity. Braver souls can try composing from scratch. (I'll post some student samples once we get rolling.)

Assorted midi samples and handouts can be found here.

And I've put the student handouts up on Scribd. You can view and print them below:

Baroque Unit PDF